Europa allt mer fascistiskt?


Gick med
3 May 2011
A Scottish man who provoked outrage after filming his girlfriend's dog responding to Nazi slogans has been arrested by Lanarkshire police.

Earlier this year Markus Meechan uploaded a video of the dog, a pug named Buddah, responding to the phrase "gas the Jews," raising its paw in an imitation Nazi salute when it heard the words "Sieg Heil", and viewing footage of Hitler giving a speech.

In the Youtube clip, titled M8 Yer Dugs A Nazi, Meechan says: "My girlfriend is always ranting and raving about how cute her dog is so I thought I would turn her into the least cute thing you could think of which is a Nazi."


Gick med
22 Jun 2004
Ingen för tillfället

I’d hate to be thrown off a roof. I mean, imagine if I landed on this face. But that’s the future Europe and even the US are sleepwalking into if we let wacky progressive hand-wringers keep apologising for radical Islam and calling the rest of us racist for expressing our concern at mass immigration from cultures that care nothing for the rights of women and gays.
You want to see a “patriarchy”? Fly to Riyadh or Tehran. In the former, women can’t drive. (Alright, fair enough, they might be on to something there.) In the latter, gays are hanged, often from cranes in public places. ISIS is even more brutal, hurling fags off the roof after ritually humiliating them. In Raqqa you’ll see women and children sold for a few hundred dollars.

These are the attitudes we’re importing by allowing millions of Muslims to settle in western Europe. Sorry if that sounds intolerant, but remember women and gays aren’t just treated like shit by ISIS, but mainstream Muslim culture, too. I can’t remember how many Muslim countries have the death penalty for homosexuality. What is it, ten? Eleven?

We now know that at least one of the Paris terrorists came into Europe posing as a “refugee.” This confirms all the worst fears of progressive commentators who were hoping the political Right was wrong about the security threat mass immigration presented.

But there’s a more general concern for liberal western democracies: it’s not just the jihadis, but the attitudes of ordinary Muslims that are a grave cause for concern, not just for the women being gang-raped in Malmö but homosexuals everywhere in Europe.


If you don’t believe me, just look at what’s happening in Sweden. A gay pride march that planned to go via a Muslim area was criticised and called “needlessly provocative” by progressives who care more about protecting an immigrant’s right to be a hateful bigot than the rights of gay citizens to express their sexual identity. What am I missing here?


The problem with accepting all of these people, and their culture, is there’s no place for me in it. You get to have your ISIS friends, or you get to have Milo, because when you invite us to the same party… off the roof I go.

Perhaps this is the Left’s plan all along. Banning me from campuses hasn’t dented my popularity, so perhaps murder is the only way the Left can get rid of me. I would take it as a compliment, but even I’m not egotistical enough to want western civilisation to be destroyed on my account.
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Gick med
22 Jun 2004
Ingen för tillfället
Inte bara Europa utan hela världen/Internet, men ändå:

Milo, samma person som skrev inlägget jag la upp i inlägget ovanför, skapade en väldigt simpel poll på Twitter och väldigt snabbt blev hans konto avstängd...

Folk kände sig kränkta, anmälde honom och Twitter stängde faktiskt av honom, helt otroligt...


Frågan är om man bör ta det officiellt att Twitter är mer för islam än kvinnors rättigheter, HBTQ-rättigheter och frihet/demokrati... ouch i sådana fall...


Gick med
3 May 2011
Inte bara Europa utan hela världen/Internet, men ändå:

Milo, samma person som skrev inlägget jag la upp i inlägget ovanför, skapade en väldigt simpel poll på Twitter och väldigt snabbt blev hans konto avstängd...

Folk kände sig kränkta, anmälde honom och Twitter stängde faktiskt av honom, helt otroligt...


Frågan är om man bör ta det officiellt att Twitter är mer för islam än kvinnors rättigheter, HBTQ-rättigheter och frihet/demokrati... ouch i sådana fall...

Twitter har en lång historia av att tysta högermänniskor.

Det är dock helt ok att mordhota Trump..


Gick med
3 May 2011
European Parliament committee votes to lift Marine Le Pen's immunity from prosecution over Isis images
European Union legislators have “overwhelmingly” voted to lift the EU parliamentary immunity of French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen for tweeting pictures of Isis violence.

Ms Le Pen, a member of the European parliament, is under investigation in France for posting three graphic images of Isis executions on Twitter in 2015, including the beheading of the United States journalist James Foley.

Responding to a request from the French judiciary, the EU MEPs in the legal affairs committee voted to lift her immunity, EU officials said. The committee's decision will have to be backed by the whole parliament in a second vote, possibly this week.

Ms Le Pen's immunity shields her from prosecution and lifting it would permit legal action against her. The offence being considered is “publishing violent images,” which under certain circumstances can carry a penalty of three years in prison and a fine of €75,000 (£64,000).


Gick med
22 Jun 2004
Ingen för tillfället

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